Saturday, October 20, 2012

October Virtual Book Club- Amy Krouse Rosenthal

For the month of October the Virtual Book Club for kids is reading books by Amy Krouse Rosenthal.
We chose the book This Plus That.

For our first activity we mixed different paint colors to make new paint colors. Red + Yellow = Orange, Yellow + Blue = Green, etc. The kids had a great time playing with paint. After our pictures dried we were able to see the mixtures better. I let the kids decide which colors they wanted to mix together. 

After reading the book a couple of times I asked Miss E (5) to give me her own equations. I started off by asking her what she thought of when I said different words. Here is what she came up with:
running + playing = fun
friends + road = play
rain + jumping = fun in puddles
hugs + kisses + "I love you" = family
food + bed = home

The last activity we did with This Plus That was to make oobleck. I got some of the idea from my good friend, Allison, over at Train Up A Child

equal parts (cornstarch + water) = oobleck
water + foodcoloring + freezer = colored ice
cornstarch + colored ice = fun

I've never made oobleck before. I knew that I needed equal parts cornstarch and water. I did not make it to the grocery store before we did our activity and I ran short on the cornstarch. The kids had fun anyway. I put some cornstarch into my plastic container and then we added the ice cubes. The kids moved the ice cubes around to noticed the different colors. Once the ice started to melt they were fascinated with the swirls of the different colors. 


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