Wednesday, September 13, 2017

August Recap

Back to School!!

The month of August with pictures.

The way I'm relieving stress and anxiety.

Official first day with our Charter School


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Y State 2017

Miss E spent most of the 2017 Spring season nursing injuries. She was well enough to pull everything together and compete for the last meet of the 2017 Spring season; Y State. Here is her meet.


School Year Recap

A Brief Update/Reflection


My how all three kids have grown since August 2016!! Growth comes in ways other than physical, but that is where it is seen the most. 

Miss E is now sporting braces along her top teeth. We are patiently waiting for one of her bottom teeth to erupt to avoid oral surgery. She is still a gymnast and will be competing level 4 again in the fall. She upped her hours in the gym to 16 hours per week in July. She is still our avid reader. She independently read over 10,000 pages this past school year. Daddy does not like books at the dinner table so we are often telling her that she can continue reading after she eats. She has learned that reading can be used as a procrastination tool, too. She has a very compassionate heart and loves serving the Lord through song. She helps lead worship in one of the children’s classes at church.

Little Man is definitely building arm muscles with gymnastics. It is pretty impressive if I do say so myself. He had a great time competing for the first time this past winter and is looking forward to the next level and competition season. Gymnastics has been really good for him and he works really hard in the gym. In school he grew a lot in reading. With a little bit of help, he read 10,000 pages. He read over 5,000 pages independently. For this guy, this is pretty impressive reading. He is our active child. Always busy doing something that involves movement; be it handstands in the living room, climbing trees, making forts, wrestling with his sister, playing soccer in the road, or just running to chase Dad as Dad leaves for work, this kid is never still. He has a sweet spirit and a heart to talk with the Lord about everything. He blows me away as he brings his requests to our Father.

Baby E is a charmer. He has pretty much everyone wrapped around his little smile. He distracts the girls at the gym, even coaches, as he flirts with them or back at them. He has friends everywhere; young and old. He is two, so he is testing his independence and will let you know what he wants. Baby E is very physically active. He rides scooters, peddles a bike with training wheels with very little help, and pushes himself around on the plasma car. He can pull his legs up to his chest while hanging on a bar, has mastered jumping, and loves doing push-ups. He spends a lot of time watching gymnastics so maybe that will be in his near future, too. He truly is a joy and I can't wait to see how the Lord shapes his little personality.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Finishing the Winter Season

Conference Championships


Level 4 State Championship

Little Man finished his first competitive gymnastics season strong. We did have a few learning moments in his last two meets though. One very important skill for men's gymnastics is counting. When you do more swings on the rings or high bar or more turns on the mushroom than is required your score will get dinged pretty heavily. He lost two ribbon colors with these mistakes. He took everything in stride, his coach was disappointed, I said live and learn, other parents were really upset that the extra 'effort' was not rewarded **big smiley face**. Now that everything is settled from the season, we move on. Little Man leveled up, he will be doing level 5 this next season with bonuses!!

Green = Superior
Purple = Outstanding
Yellow = Excellent
Orange = Good
White = Fair

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

BlackJack Men's Championship, Las Vegas

Meet #3 had us traveling again, this time out of state to Las Vegas!! This meet was HUGE!! The BlackJack Men's Championship & Winter Cup Challenge is a national meet. There are two parts to the meet; Junior Olympic and National Team. Little Man competes at the JO level.

We stayed at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino where Elvis definitely has a presence.

Little Man did a great job. This time around he was given an actual score, for simplicity I adjusted his score to the ribbon color he is used to getting. He did get two medals; vault and parallel bars.

After Little Man's meet we were able to watch the Winter Cup finals. It was really cool to see some of the Olympians we heard about from Rio compete. The Men are intense and so much fun to watch.

Green = Superior
Purple = Outstanding
Yellow = Excellent
Orange = Good
White = Fair


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

First Season Level 4 Highlights {Fall 2016}

Here are the highlights of Miss E's Fall Season; a little late. The season was rough, but she made it through. Miss E had three preliminary meets. Her goal at each meet was to get an All Around score of at least 30. With an AA of 30 she advanced to Sectionals in which she needed an AA of 32 to move on to state. She hit her minimum AA scores and competed at the state level. The state meet was rough. As Mom, I wished we were afforded the option to sit it out.

All of that is now behind us. She worked really hard and has improved immensely over the winter and spring months. Right now we sit at the cusp of summer and have a lot to look forward to. She will compete in the fall again as a Level 4, but she is stronger and determined to move on.


Sunday, January 29, 2017


West Coast Team Challenge 2017

When you get the list of meets before the season starts and you see there are two meets in which traveling will be required you experience a little bit, or a lot of, trepidation. The cost of just the meets is high and then you have to add travel, food, hotel, etc. it can be a little bit overwhelming. Bakersfield is several hours away from us to the north and although we could have done the meet in one day, we decided to take two.

This meet was a blast! It was loud! It was fun! It was an experience that I wished we had more often at our meets. As parents we took 2nd place for parent spirit. Being that we only had 5 families and the team that took 1st had at least 3 times as many people, we were pretty proud of ourselves.

Little Man is competing Level 4 in a division that offers bonuses. Bonuses are just extra skills that are added into the routine. There are 10 bonuses and he executes 7 of them. Vault is the only event that does not have a bonus at level 4. 

Here is the breakdown for the ribbons:
Green = Superior
Purple = Outstanding
Yellow = Excellent
Orange = Good
White = Fair

Our next meet is in Las Vegas!!
